
FERRO-Q 6% is a chelated iron deficiency corrector that can be used on all types of herbaceous and woody crops.

Detailed product information

Water-soluble iron (Fe) in the form of EDDHA chelate: 6%.

Water-soluble iron (Fe): 6% (fully chelated iron)

Iron (Fe) chelated isomer ortho-ortho*: minimum 4.8%.

pH range for which good stability of the chelated fraction is ensured: 3-10.5

*Chelating agent: EDDHA

Instructions for use:

Presentation: 5kg opaque bags in 25kg boxes (5x5kg).

Dosage and time of application:

Fruit and citrus trees:

  • Trees prior to entering into production: 5 to 15 g/tree
  • At the start of production: 10 to 20 g/tree
  • In full production: 15 to 50 g/tree
  • Large trees: 30 to 90 g/tree

Nursery trees:

  • 1 to 3 g/plant or 3 to 5 g/m2 of surface area.


  • Newly planted: 3 to 5 g/plant
  • In production: 5 to 10 g/plant

Horticultural and ornamental crops:

  • 0.5 to 1 g/m2 of surface area

In localised irrigation the dose can be reduced by 30%.

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